Would you rather...

Howdy ya'll. Today, since I don't have anything better to do, I've devised a whole list of "Would you rather" questions off the top of my head. Woo! So here we go!

Would you rather....

Eat dirt or eat raw meat

Go skydiving or go bungee jumping

Cut off all your hair or cut off all your fingernails

Live in a neon green ocean-side cottage or a neon orange tree house

Run from an erupting volcano or stuck in a cage with lions

Ride an elephant in Africa or go swimming with penguins in Antarctica

Cut your hair really short or let it grow to the floor

Watch the Winnie the Pooh movie three times in a row or Veggie Tales all day long

Since I can't think of anymore, that's all! Feel free to answer in a comment or via email (seana.j.vixen@gmail.com). =)

Ta ta and happy Hunger Games!
Seana <3

PS: Hunger games movie coming out in March 23, 2012! Eeeee! I'm an avid Hunger Games fan so this is HUGE! I am so going to go if I can; are you going to see it as well? I am team Peeta Mellark all the way! Gale Hawthorne's not bad, but I like Peeta much better. =D The picture shows the actor who plays Peeta in the movie. I think he's cute. Very much so in fact. =)


  1. TEAM GALE ALL THE WAY! Although Peeta is sweet too...

  2. Eat dirt or eat raw meat~ I'd say eat dirt, eating a wild non-cooked animal would be very scary!

    Go skydiving or go bungee jumping. Skydiving so it doesn't look like I'm inches fro hitting the ground.

    Cut off all your hair or cut off all your fingernails. fingernails!! I love my hair wayy too much! haha

    Live in a neon green ocean-side cottage or a neon orange tree house. ocean-side cottage, I lovvvveeee swimming and sun bathing!!

    Run from an erupting volcano or stuck in a cage with lions. run from an erupting volcano, at least I would have some kind of chance!!

    Ride an elephant in Africa or go swimming with penguins in Antarctica. swimming with penguins, I love swimming and penguins are just sooo adorable!! The only reason why I might not is because it would be POWER COLD!!! hahaha

    Cut your hair really short or let it grow to the floor~ grow to the floor!! I want to be like Rapunzel from Tangled!!

    Watch the Winnie the Pooh movie three times in a row or Veggie Tales all day long~ Veggie tales all day and everyday!!! that's what we do!!!!! hahahha POWER SWEET!!!!!!

  3. Well I am on the third book, but I am kind of neutral right now. But the book is super good, and I am almost done, so don't spoil it! I canNOT wait to see the movie!!!! :)


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