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The dreaded handwritten assignment
Howdy ya'll. (Feelin' western today, so here we go.) Guess what I get to do! Have you guessed? Go on try! ............................................................... Are you ready? I GET TO WRITE HOW SOMEONE'S PERSPECTIVE CHANGED IN A MOOOOVIE! Yippee! (Note the absurd fake enthusiasm. =D) But instead of an online assignment (which would have be more welcoming since I'm faster at typing) we get to write a nice little short paragraph...By. Hand. Okay, so I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. It's what I do. =P I really need to stop griping about this and get some work done. So off to write write write with a *gasp* pencil! =)
~Sea J.V.
PS: I was poking around the internet for cute desktop pictures, and I found the cutest little crocheted lion! No, I don't know how to make it, but it's still cute.
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