There's a new seamstress in town

These are NOT her dress ideas. Although the one in the middle is kinda cute!
Howdy everyone! My friend Christine has been on a total fashion obsession lately. She's planning on designing me and July dresses. How cool is that? She's thinking of going to a secondhand store (since it's cheaper) and then she's going to remake them into something original and totally awesome. I never knew that Christine was such a crafty person! I'm more into interior decorating, but it's kinda the same idea. You take something boring and transform it into something fabulous. I'm not kidding. You could dump me in a room that only had plain furniture and give me some random knick-knacks to use, and voila! you've got yourself a totally fab room. =) Christine's ideas for our dresses are really cool. For July, she's thinking different shades and hues of blue and maybe ruffles. For me, either a pink or purple style, possibly resembling a sundress. I have no idea how she's gonna make them, but hey, I'm sure they'll be awesome. Nothing perks up a girl like the possibility of new clothes!



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