I can't believe my eyes

Howdy guys! It is snowing like crazy outside and the snowflakes are more like smaller snowballs flying around in the air. It's awesome! I can hear my next door neighbors (who are about age five) giggling and running around in the snow seeing who can make the biggest snowman. They're so adorable. Surprisingly, the kids in that family are all twins. No, not quintuplets. Twins. There's an older pair of twins, a boy and a girl named Sarah and Linus. Then there's a second set of twins who are a few years younger at only age two who are named Blaire and Brain. They can be quite a handful, but their mom and dad seem to be able to handle it.

BUT ANYWAY. Back to the snow. (Sorry I can't help being distracted by cute little children!) I'd say we have at least an inch or so of snow in my backyard, and the way it glitters on the pine trees? Beautiful. I love snow when it's all pure and white, but the instant it gets all dirty and gross, forget it. Now one wants to walk through a slushy brown wonderland. =D

See you soon,


  1. Sea, did you mean your adorable neighbor Brian? Or is his name really Brain? I always thought that his name was Brian... maybe I was wrong...


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