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Melody's Song is up and running!!
Eeeee!!! (sorry for no hello or hi there) So, since deciding upon the title for my new book, I have just started madly typing away at the story. I've gotten most of the names, and I'm making up one more for a minor character along the way. It's really coming along nicely! BUT there is an utmost PROBLEM. I do not have a name for the underwater kingdom! OH NO!! That's a main thing in the story, so that is really really bad. I need names really soon and really fast if that isn't too much to ask. Try to stay away from really obvious names like Atlantis and stuff like that if you can, but I'll take all the suggestions you have. Please leave them in a comment or email. (
<3 Sea J.V.
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(Also, please keep your language clean so everyone can enjoy my blog. Thanks!)