I'm gonna faaaaaail!

G'day everyone. It snowed like crazy the last few days, and it is totally gorgeous outside. Now, I'm not a snowman building guru, but I built one anyway. It's head got kinda fat, but that's okay! =D In other news, my friend Christine has started up a fashion blog recently. It's pretty fabulous with all the little pictures and stuff she's added. If you want to check it out go to: christines13closet.blogspot.com
She said she might not post everyday, but she'll post enough to keep your interest. So if you're a fashionista kind of person, I'd totally encourage you to check out Christine's blog!

Now then. The title of this post is because.....I HAVE EXAMS THIS WEEK!! Aaaah!!! Okay, it's just a Bible and a Science exam, so it's not that bad. Haha, I'm hilarious. Ergh. I can't hardly remember all of the stuff crammed in my head over the first semester, so how on earth am I gonna pass?! Then of course we can't forget the Africa countries/physical features quiz tomorrow. Nothing like a Monday quiz to lighten up your day! *insert eye roll here*

Off to study like it's my job (and maybe it is),
<3 Seana


  1. Oh Sea you saved me!!! I needed that reminder of the Mapping quiz... thank you!

  2. I'm so sorry Kara! I was testing out new things on my blog and I accidentally clicked a button and unfollowed you. :( I'll see if I can follow you again a second. There! I am back as a follower of your blog!

  3. oh sorry about that. i was just angry that you didnt follow me any more. plus you dont comment at all ever :(

  4. Sorry again Kara, but I usually don't have time to comment on new posts (homework and all that).


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