Hello everyone! So today, July and I were practicing our mad tennis skills at the indoor sports center after school. Well, July had the mad tennis skills since I was feeling like really sluggish and lazy and in no mood to run after a neon spherical object. =P Anyway, once we finished using the ball machine to whack tennis balls, we were heading back to the bathrooms to change into our regular clothes. And guess who was there? That's right. Carson and his gang. FYI, Carson's gang is the group of popular boys who can be nice, but also cocky. Anyway, Carson, Samuel, Charles, Jonathan, Tyson, and some other guys were there with their basketball team practicing.

A very old picture =D
And just as July and I were going to the bathrooms we hear Samuel yell, "Sea! July!" Really LOUDLY. And we all but sprinted into the bathroom. So after a moment of freaking out, we braved going out to the courts again. This time we headed outside to see if July's mom was there to pick us up, and after deciding that it was too cold to stand out there the whole time, we headed back inside.  Then Carson calls, "SEA!" And waves his hand wildly like a madman at me. Being nice, I waved back. Not quite so wildly I'll add. And then we sat on the floor and watched them do their drills. Let's just say that Carson sticks his gluteus maximus out when he throws the ball.  July and I about laughed our heads off about that little factoid.

Then of course we can't forget another fact about Jonathan! (Insert evil laugh here) So he had these longer basketball shorts on that went to his knees, and his socks were almost pulled up to his knees. He literally looked like one of those Irish step dancer guys! Haha. We laughed a ton after that factoid too.

Of course, they're gonna blab to the whole world that we were at the sports center tomorrow at school, but oh well, July says we'll just tell them we were practicing our mad tennis skills. =)

<3 Sea the girl who hides in bathrooms


  1. haha that would've been soo funny!! I wish I had been there!!! ahahaha

  2. You should name Melody's kingdom Thassinalita.


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